News (News-Title)
Half Season Tickets - Now on Sale
15 December 2023

We are now pleased to be able to offer half season tickets and reserved car parking which will make an excellent Christmas gift for yourself or the person in your life. As we currently sit fourth in the table it promises to be an exciting 2nd half of the season and this is your opportunity to save money as well as providing the club with guaranteed income which will all go into the 1st Team budget. These tickets will be valid from our Boxing Day fixture against Swindon Supermarine and prices are as follows -
Adult Half Season Ticket - £95 which equates to £9.50 per game for our remaining home fixtures saving you £2.50 per game or £25 for the remainder of the season
Senior Half Season Ticket (65+) - £70 which equates to £7 per game for our remaining home fixtures saving you £2.00 per game or £20 for the remainder of the season
Student Half Season Ticket (16+) - £50 which equates to £5 per game for our remaining home fixtures saving you £4 per game or £40 for the remainder of the season
Junior Half Season Ticket (5 - 15) - £10 which equates to a saving of £1 per game for our remaining home fixtures saving or £10 for the remainder of the season
Reserved Car Parking - £30 which ensures you have a reserved parking space for the remainder of the season plus all next season's pre season friendlies
Proof of age/student status will be required.
Payment options are as follows -
Cash/card at my turnstile in front of the Club Shop on Boxing Day
Bank transfer made prior to Boxing Day to - Account name being Merthyr Town FC with sort code 403216 and account number 01861026 and reference Half ST
Please note that the full amount of your purchase will be due on Boxing Day and no instalment payments will be accepted.
For further information please contact Phil Mack via Email at to confirm your purchase and the information required to issue the ticket on Boxing Day.